And that led to this:

Wow, how many ways can you say GABILLIAM!: SCREW YOUR OTP! MINE DOESN'T NEED PHOTOSHOP BITCH! After reading in to it a fair but more, I learned that it is common for them to get drunk and get a little...touchy feely, hence the eating chocolate off of each other's bodies and making out...
This new obsession led to finding some videos...most of which were fan made wishes for the two to be together, but one that I found and another that the same friend sent be depicted Gabe kissing William on the cheek one TWO separate occasions at two separate concerts...can you say SHIP SHIP SHIP?! Because I sure can...
Oh...and did I mention the nicknames that they have for each other? Yeah...that's right, NICKNAMES! SHIP! Gabe calls William Bilvy and William calls Gabe Gabanti...how slashy is that? Shut up! I know you have nick names for your friends...I do too, and I'm not in love with them...but, and call me sexist, fuck you, I think that's more of a girl thing, I mean I don't know any guys who have nicknames for their guy pals...yeah, that's what I thought.
In a final note, let me just say...GABE SAPORTA LOVES Slash fanfiction! I KID YOU NOT! In an interview with OUT magazine, he declared that he likes/supports slash fanfiction, and he thinks it's hot.
I think you may have me hooked! I need to go watch those videos now...
Okay. They are in love and need to admit it! I want them to be together only if it doesn't work out between Will and I...you remember the whole naked in the street thing?? I hope so...but yea...so hot!
p.s. This is merry (that might help explain the street thing...XD
1. I have multiple guy friends with nicknames for one another :) One of them is gay and another is questionable since he loves making out with guys... but still!
2. Will is such a manwhore, you can also find TONS of pictures with him kissing, cuddling, and feeling up with the lead singer/rapper of Gym Class Heros
I felt the need to look up their couple-ness because I couldnt remember his name and came accross this video. Since I'm annoying like that, I thought I'd share:
This is greatness. Absolute greatness. Congratulations, you have me hooked to a new slash couple :D
Hmm... Haha, I love this whole little story thing you had going on there. :D Actually, I've already seen all the pictures a few months ago, but it's nice to review :]
And haha, yeah, Bill is sorta a manwhore, him and Travis McCoy of Gym Class Heroes are often paired too, but since Travis is dating Katy Perry, yeah...
Haha, when you talked about Gabe supporting slash, I just remembered Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low (really nice and funny guy, met the band) said that he bragged about the slash written about him :D In the AP article (sorry if you know this stuff and I'm resharing), he told them that he actually reads the slash and stories written about him. And also that he gets full on porn, and was excited about it. He said something like "Oh, and there's one story about Ryan (Ross) and me. It's hot." I read, the story, it is pretty sweet. Haha, look up slash about Alex Gaskarth, he gives a lot of it with Jack (guitarist) and talks about being a fan boy for Forever The Sickest Kids :D Though I personally like Zack...
Side note: Do you like Frerard? Like, Frank/Gerard from My Chemical Romance. If you never looked it up, look it up. Even though they're both married, they still do crazy things (like making out on stage in front of a concert). ^^ I'm sure you'll win a new pairing!
just wanna tell you something..
the 4th picture in the and that led to series... isnt William its actually Mikey Way of MCR..
Just so you know, I came across this while looking up Gabilliam pictures, and when I saw that line I started laughing so hard, and then I proceeded to add it to my favorite quotes on facebook. Thought you might appreciate knowing that.
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