HA! Well it sure does seem like magazines DO have it in for Disney stars!
I mean come on, first with the Vanity Fair/Miley Cyrus thing, and now...and now Rolling Stone? I mean have you SEEN the August cover? One look, and yeah, it looks like a normal Rolling Stone cover, but let's go a little more in depth, shall we?
Alright, first of all, leather jackets...is it just me or do leather jackets sort of symbolize sex? Ok...my mom says that's just me, apparently she has a leather jacket...awkward. ANYWAYS...I still think that they are a little bit of a sex symbol? Just a little? Tiny little bit? Ok, I need to get out more...
Next! At first glance, all is well, yes? It looks like Nick and Kevin have their arms on Joe's shoulders in a brotherly way, and Joe's pulling at his shirt, which, for anyone who knows ANYTHING about these boys, that's something that Joe would totally do...and I think has before; anyways, my point is when you look closer, the hand actually belongs to KEVIN! OH MY!
Ok, ignoring Joe's fuck-me-face and Kevin's I-need-you-now face, let's focus on Nick...and Joe. Aw, big bro is grabbing minifrobro's tie! That's...odd...and look! Nick's clutching on to Joe's arm, am I sensing a little...insecurity in the youngest Jonas? But...but I thought that HE was the confident one! OH NO! I FAIL! Or maybe they're just fucking...
Yet the headline is God! Girls! Guitars! Well great for the three G's...I mean really they should be Gay! G-String! Guitars! (yes, guitars gets to stay!) so Rolling Stone needs new headline writers...perhaps me? No fucking way. I will work for a magazine when pigs fly...which, with science, will still not happen in my lifetime.
Let me just ask why, despite the fact that Rolling Stone MUST have taken AT LEAST 100 other pictures, did they choose to put THIS ONE on the cover! It's too sexual for what MOST people's images of the boy band are...however for me and Jonascestors/Jonaslahers/Jonashippers like me, this cover is PURE Jovin with a dash of Joick and Holy Trinity...
So Rolling Stone, I salute you, thank you for the many fangirlish screams that I know were not just me! And may I just say, LONG LIVE THESE BOYS AND THEIR...actions.
that was definitely one of the more hilarious blogs i have read in my lifetime...
and don't worry, it's not just you...leather jackets ARE pretty much a sex symbol
when i saw nick's face, it totally just looks like he has absolutely no idea what is going on around him...haha
and im glad i wasn't the only one that noticed the look on joe's face!
full on jovin and a dash of joick.
Oh My God!!! Your blog rocks, it's AMAZING! And I LOVEEEE your post about the JoBros...
Yeah, Gosh, this photo is soooo... Jonascest, sooo slash, soooo awkward!!! I mean, they dont seem the old Jonas Brothers... I think they are changing their way. And it's sad D:
Anyway, they are sexy, hot and totally diferent!!!
Joe looks like "i'm-totally-gorgeous-OMG-my-brothers-are-sooo-hot!"
This is hilarious. In a freakin' awesome way of course.
You have got to be one of the craziest, most amazing Jonascest-loving chicks out there. You're my idol :O Now you've got to be responsible, you're a role model! :D
we finally got our rolling stone and i explained to my mother about your blog and she said that disneys okay with it because it's all in the family.
Oh my God. I was crying I was laughing so hard when I read this. It was pretty much the best blog I have ever read. Ever.
Nick looks completely clueless, Joe's face definately screams do me now, and Kevin's all over Joe's shirt.
I must admit; your fanfiction has turned me into such a slash fangirl. I'm starting to like them together better than with girls. I agree .. girls are annoying. I would know too. XD
Haha that's great! And so true. I just about died when I saw Kevin pulling on Joe's shirt like that! And yes, Joe's face does say "fuck me".
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