Alright, so I was tagged by someone how has unlimited power over me...she introduced me to Gabilliam, and in exchange, she now has my soul, so I shall do it...even though it is A. EXTREMELY difficult for me... B. NOT something I would normally do on a blog that my mother has the link to, and C. I usually don't do something just because I'm asked...ok, that's not true, my friends have weird power over me, anyways.
The Rules Of The Game:
(1) List 10 celebrities you would have sex with. (2) Put all of them IN ORDER of your lust for them. (10 - 1, 1 is the hottest.) (3) Say which movie/show/thing it was that hooked you. (4) Supply photos for said people. (5) Tag five people! (6) Because this is my blog, I'm going in to more detail, because otherwise I would get bored.

What got me hooked on Lou...let's see, I'm pretty sure that it was Thumbsucker, I guess I just have a thing for weird looking guys, because I saw that movie and I knew IMMEDIATELY that I thought he was attractive...I also really like his eyes, they have a lot of white in them, which is cool! Other things that I LOVE him in: Empire Falls, Fifty Pills, Personal Velocity, The Chumscrubber, Southland Tales, and as St. Jimmy in the Green Day video, Jesus of Suburbia.
INTERESTING FACT ABOUT LOU TAYLOR PUCCI THAT I JUST HAPPEN TO KNOW: The first time that he EVER got on a plane was when he flew to LA for his Thumbsucker audition.
Number 9: Gabe Saporta - Singer/Bassist for Cobra Starship (old

((yes, i know that the photo is not the most flattering, but it's my favorite of him, it really is!) I was turned on to Gabe Saporta by a friend of mine who decided that it would be fun to take over my life by sending me the music video for Bring It! (Snakes on a Plane)...*cough* samefriendwhotagged metodothisinthefirstplace *coughcoughcough* ANYWAYS, I liked the video, thought Gabe was hot, shipping him INTENSELY with William Beckett, and that was pretty much the end of that! Oh yeah...and I like his music, it kind of rocks! Oh, and he SUPPORTS Slash Fanfiction...he even said that it was hot, so yeah...BONUS POINTS!
RANDOM FACT ABOUT GABE SAPORTA THAT I JUST HAPPEN TO KNOW: He believes that he was bitten by an Alien Cobra who taught him how to dance...hence the band name Cobra Starship.
Number 8: William Beckett - Singer for The Academy Is...
RANDOM FACT ABOUT WILLIAM BECKETT THAT I JUST HAPPEN TO KNOW: He gets very upset when his clothing shrinks in the wash...especially striped sweaters.
Number 7: William "Wilmo" Moseley - Actor

RANDOM FACT ABOUT WILLIAM MOSELEY THAT I JUST HAPPEN TO KNOW: He WOULD kiss another guy in a movie for no extra pay as long as it was part of the plot - GO WILLIAM!

John Robinson first caught my eye in The Lords Of Dogtown (he played Stacy Peralta...you may not recognize him without the ridiculously long hair.) He was cute, ripped, he could skate, act, and he and I were born in the same city, so BONUS points to him...and on that note, he actually managed to get me to see Transformers, which I not only had no interest in, but ended up HATING, because he was in it for all of...two seconds? Maybe three? anyways...Other things that I loved him in: ELEPHANT! That is one of the best movies EVER...also, I loved using his picture to represent Gavin Sway, one of my original characters in Break Me.
Number 5: Michael Guy "Chizz" Chislett - Guitarist for The

I started to notice Chizz when again, the person who tagged me to this, sent me a picture of him because we were writing a joint story and he was a character that I would need to know...I immediately fell in love with his sexiness, only later to find out, once I started watching TAITV that he is AUSTRALIAN and has an AUSTRALIAN accent! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! Oh yeah...and he's a good guitarist. He is mildly shippable with William Beckett, but since I like Beckett/Saporta best, they can have each other and I'll take Chizz, sound like a plan? Ok, good.
RANDOM FACT THAT ABOUT MICHAEL GUY "CHIZZ" CHISLETT THAT I JUST HAPPEN TO KNOW: He eats vegemite because he loves that stuff...oh, and he won't break my heart because he's from Australia!
Number 4: Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Actor

RANDOM FACT ABOUT JOSEPH GORDON-LEVITT THAT I JUST HAPPEN TO KNOW: If he were king of the Germans, he would do his German dance every day! He also HATES gratuitous sex scenes in movies...
Number 3: Jack Lawless - Drummer for The Jonas Brothers
RANDOM FACT ABOUT JACK LAWLESS THAT I JUST HAPPEN TO KNOW: After being bullied into it by Nick Jonas and the entire audience, Jack Lawless once told a joke at a concert.

I first saw John Patrick Amedori in Little Athens, which actually sucked phenomenally, but he was HOT! So naturally, being the obsessive fangirl that I am, I did a little research, and found a little bit more of his stuff. After realizing that he really has yet to be in anything great, I lessened my obsession to be mainly based on his looks, though I do enjoy the one song that he has recorded, Love Song, it's pretty and indie and thus, I like it. Other things that I have seen him in: The Butterfly Effect, Stick It! and one episode of Numb3rs...though apparently he's on some TV show right now that I have managed to miss so far...I have also used his visage as an Original Character; Walker; in my story Paper or Plastic...and will be using him again I think, as Shutruk Ryan.
RANDOM FACT ABOUT JOHN PATRICK AMEDORI THAT I JUST HAPPEN TO KNOW: He was in a short film involving incest, aptly titled Incest...that I will probably never manage to locate, directed by Luke Eberl, who had a lovely supporting role in one of my favorite movies: A Painted House.
Number 1: Paul Franklin Dano - Actor/Guitarist/Singer

RANDOM FACT ABOUT PAUL FRANKLIN DANO THAT I JUST HAPPEN TO KNOW: He was not slated to play the role that he had in There Will Be Blood, but because Daniel Day-Lewis was SO intimidating, the actor originally cast in the role dropped out. Daniel Day-Lewis told them to cast Paul Dano because they had worked together before, as rivals no less, in The Ballad of Jack and Rose, and he knew that Paul Dano could take the heat...and he did!
Alright! That's done, and I'm tagging...xxfamouslastwordsxx, Tim, Tree, Puck and Mama Dear Mama, yes mother, I'm tagging YOU!