During training at work, one of the counselors looked a lot like my neighbor, but about 10 years older. I went up to him and told him that I think my neighbor will look like him in 10 years. He said "Ha, lucky guy." Today, I learned from my neighbor that they look alike because...and I can't believe this actually happened, THEY'RE COUSINS! I thought it was hilarious, mostly because of the 'lucky guy' comment, you might not.
In other news, I heard today that the Red Headed Phenomenon (otherwise known was Rupert Grint) has SWINE FLU! OH MY GOD! *runs around in complete panic...but not at the disco.* Oh wait...he's recovering, THANK GOD! RON WEASLEY WILL LOVE! Not that I was concerned because A. I hate Harry Potter B. I don't watch the movies C. He's a wizard, so it's not like swine flu could get him anyways.

Monopolyfreak101 (17:08) : apparently Rupert Grint has/had swine flu...
vkyerie (17:08) : BAHAHAHA
Monopolyfreak101 (17:08) : yeah
Monopolyfreak101 (17:08) : ok
Monopolyfreak101 (17:08) : good
Monopolyfreak101 (17:09) : I'm not the only person who finds this funny.
vkyerie (17:09) : HAHAHA
vkyerie (17:09) : poor ginger
Monopolyfreak101 (17:13) : ?
Monopolyfreak101 (17:13) : oh
Monopolyfreak101 (17:13) : ron
Monopolyfreak101 (17:13) : haha
Monopolyfreak101 (17:13) : wow
Monopolyfreak101Work was a bitch and a half today - my neighbor, the one related to my coworker, said that if I wanted him to, he'd phone into work to lodge a complaint against the girl coworker I have who isn't doing their job. I asked him how, exactly, he planned to do this, and he said that would pose as the parent of 'Little Mordecai.' I informed that there were no children at my camp named Mordecai. Plan terminated, but I thought that his name choice was funny.
Well, love and other indoor sports,
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